Love Your Gloves 🧤
How you can save money on Goalkeeper Gloves
(Over £1,000!)

Nobody likes spending money. Especially when it's on ANOTHER new pair of goalkeeper gloves, even though you haven't even had your current ones that long!
The sad reality for goalkeepers is that goalkeeper gloves are not built to last. They are one of the most fragile pieces of kit in football.
Why are gloves fragile?
What makes goalkeeper gloves grippy is soft latex. The softer the material on the palms, the grippier it will be. But of course, soft materials are more likely to rip, tear and get damaged.
So the grippiest gloves, which are the most expensive, are also the least durable!
How you can save £1,000+ in your career!
The average goalkeeper uses 3 pairs per season
According to research, the average goalkeeper glove lasts 3 months before it is considered 'worn out'.
This means a lot of goalkeepers will replace their gloves after 3 months, meaning they use 3 pairs of gloves per season.
For a mid-range, adult glove, you'll probably spend about £50.
£50 x 3 = £150 per season on goalkeeper gloves
How much will I spend over my career?
Let's say you start playing football at 16 years old, and play until you are 34 years old.
That's an 18-year career.
£150 x 18 = £2,700 on goalkeeper gloves in a career!
How can I save £1,000?
With goalkeeper glove care, we believe 1 pair of gloves can last you a season.
By following the 3-Step Process:
🟡 Wash
🔵 Refresh
🟢 Revive
Not only can you can keep your gloves at their best for longer, your gloves will perform better, too.
The best part? It only costs around £30 per season for one of our Glove Care Starter Kits. Plus a bit more on top ups and accessories!
So with glove care, you can spend £50 on gloves, £40 on glove care, and that's enough to easily get you through a whole season!
£90 x 18 = £1,620 on goalkeeper gloves and glove care
The added bonus?
✅ Keep those gloves you love for longer.
✅ Have even better grip