
    Stop 'em Smelling

    Goalkeepers seem to have accepted that goalkeeper gloves smell, but we want to change that! Our FRESH products contain a formula which targets the bacteria at source, so kills odours, doesn't just cover them up

    What's the difference?


    Perfect for gloves

    • Stop that used glove smell
    • Unique formula that targets bacteria
    • Works on any glove
    Shop Now

    Stop 'em Smelling

    Trigger spray for more versatility

    • Also works on boots & kitbags!
    • A general odour eliminator
    • Citrus scent!
    Shop Now

    Fresh 'n' Dry Deodourizer

    Keep that freshness

    • Absorbs moisture & adds freshness after washing
    • Fits in all gloves & boots
    • Use it to hang up equipment
    Shop Now

    The Guide to Fresh Gloves

    Trust us, you'll play better with fresh, new smelling gloves!

    Glove Freshener Guide

    The Guide to Fresh Gloves

    Trust us, you'll play better with fresh, new smelling gloves!

    Glove Freshener Guide