The guides for looking after your gloves to make them last longer and perform better
Everything you need to know about gloveglu Goalkeeper Gloves
I’m not sure any of us do. When you’re playing week in week out injuries are the last thing on your mind. However, unfortunately this isn’t the case. Injuries are a part of football and no matter how much you try to prevent them sometimes they just can’t be avoided.
Footballer’s careers don’t last forever no matter how much you want it to or how well you look after yourself. Whether it be age, injury or a falling out of love of the game, there will always be a reason to retire at some point.
We have come a long way in a couple of years. From locking ourselves in our homes to Zoom calls to work or school from home. I have no doubt that lockdown has been difficult for everyone in their
own different ways and harder for some than others.
Being a goalkeeper isn’t always the easiest when you’re not playing. Goalkeepers aren’t frequently substituted on or off for even ten minutes in a game. Unless due to injury or unfortunately because of a red card, they are normally one of the first names on the team sheet.
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We exist to improve your game. For everything you need to know about gloves. Plus all the stuff you didn't know you needed.